Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mondrian baby blanket

I love making baby blankets. They're small and there's so much room for creativity. It's 2 dimensions (usually) that can hold so much color, pattern, and line. I take a lot of my inspiration from quilts and abstract paintings.

2 people in Husband's office are expecting babies, so I have 2 blankets to make. One I've already started, inspired by African patterns. I'll post pictures soon.

The other one will be a Mondrian blanket.

It'll be a great fit. The father to be is second generation Romanian and the mother's background I don't know. But they're both American. The Romanian flag is equal stripes blue, yellow, and red. The primary colors. The American flag is red, white, and blue.

In thinking about what to do, I thought of Mondrian ( His works are based on the grid (hello log cabin knitting!) and use black, white, red, yellow, blue. Perfect!

Today in Google Imaging Mondrian pictures, I came across a site where you can make your own Mondrian-esque pictures. Here's the link:

This will be fun. In that spirit, I've changed the template to something Mondrian-y.

I still want to make a Sean Scully blanket, but don't know what the parents-to-be's taste in art are. But Mondrian has crossed into pop culture and so I'll be able to scratch that abstract art itch.

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